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Job Search Advice That Everyone Should Know

When it comes to looking for a job, it can be an overwhelming process — from deciding what you want to do, writing a standout resume, knowing where to look for open positions or applying for the job itself. Being familiar with some key tactics and strategies at the onset of your job search can not only help you land the perfect job, but make the entire process more productive, and less stressful.

Here are five key tactics to keep in mind in mind throughout your job search, which should set you on the right path to finding your next job opportunity.

Five tatics for job search advice that everyone should know.

1. Develop Your Online Brand as a Job Seeker

Since the global pandemic, recruiters have become more reliant than ever on technology to support the hiring process. As a job seeker, it could be a missed opportunity if you don’t have a professional online presence. Developing your personal brand on LinkedIn , and other online professional platforms, is a great way to help build your professional network and ensure you can be found.

LinkedIn is a great place to start — 87% of recruiters use it regularly to search for and validate candidates and three people are hired directly through LinkedIn every minute. While this platform hasn’t replaced traditional resumes, being present and active (e.g., posting updates, sharing content, commenting on posts) on LinkedIn is one way to help ensure you stand out in a crowded and competitive job market.

2. Grow a Strong Professional Network

Securing a job often comes down to not only what you know but who you know, so it’s important to develop a personal brand and advocates who can recommend you when a relevant job opportunity arises.

Before posting a job listing or searching their database for possible candidates, recruiters often ask people in their network if they know someone who might be suitable for the role they’re hiring for. The theory is that good people tend to know good people and the goal is to speed up the search process by being referred to someone with the right skills for the job. Clients also see value in this approach as the additional validation from someone credible in the market can help minimize the hiring risk for them.

Regularly networking at events or virtually through LinkedIn can also help you connect with relevant people in your industry or professionals working at the types of companies you’d like to work for — relationships you may later leverage when searching for a job.

3. Build a Relationship with Your Recruiter

Building a network goes hand in hand with building a partnership with your recruiter. As mentioned above, not all jobs make it to market — often, they’re filled through word of mouth (a referral) or because the candidate was already known to the recruiter.

By building a great relationship with your recruiter, you’ll remain on their mind and you’re more likely to be considered first when their client has a need.

A recruiter’s success and reputation are dependent on finding and placing the best candidates in the market. To do this, recruiters not only source for the right skills, but also for candidates who demonstrate loyalty, commitment and will represent them well to their client. It’s worth taking time to invest in this partnership to ensure you are not overlooked when a relevant role comes along.

4. Optimize Your Resume with Relevant Keywords

To identify suitable candidates, recruiters frequently search their internal database, job boards and LinkedIn for keywords that show up on their client's job description. Using keywords when building your resume and LinkedIn profile is an important step to help you be found.

Aston Carter LinkedIn ToolKit image graphic.

While this only goes so far to prove if someone is right for the job, it is important to ensure you’re able to be found at this stage. One way to do this is to use the job description for the role you’re applying for and ensure the language and job titles in your resume and LinkedIn mirror it.

5. Focus on the Quality of Your Job Applications

Perception is reality and in the recruitment industry and many candidates often weaken their reputation by over applying for jobs. This can leave recruiters questioning how much the candidate really cares about their job, how likely they are to accept if one is offered or how likely they are to remain in the role if something better comes along. When job hunting, applying for more than one job will give you the best chance of success but finding a balance of quality over quantity is key.

Graphic showing questions to ask yourself before applying to a job.

There is no right or wrong answer for how many jobs to apply for but, before you do, ask yourself the following questions first:

  • Do I have most, if not all, the required key skills?
  • Have I taken time to optimize my resume before applying?
  • Am I committed to this application?
  • Would I accept the job if offered?

Ultimately, the company will decide who they hire next, but the recruiter has a hugely influential role in the hiring process and can help be the bridge to your next opportunity. By combining the job search advice above with a great recruiter partnership, you should be well prepared the next time you’re in the market searching for a job.

To contact a recruiter and begin building a partnership that will elevate your career, reach out to your local Aston Carter office today. Ready to explore new job opportunities? Explore Aston Carter’s job board.

*This article was originally developed by Aston Carter EMEA and adapted for Aston Carter North America.

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